Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur® Masterclass 

How To Thrive Doing Business WITH God and Have Greater Kingdom Impact and Influence in the Marketplace

Want to Experience GOD’S BEST in Business?

The late internationally renowned minister Dr. Myles Munroe once said, “One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die untapped.”

There are many believers in business that aren’t experiencing, or even on the road to experiencing, the fullness of what is possible with God in the work they do in the marketplace.

This is indeed a tragedy because the world is in desperate need of Kingdom-driven men and women who are discovering and aligning with God’s mind and heart, their Kingdom identity, authority, and assignments in the marketplace.

Heaven’s provision awaits you - are you ready to tap in and walk it out with both confidence and humility?

In order to become a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, you must make the shift from doing business primarily in your own strength for the glory of God, to doing business with God by the power of His grace and favor.

The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Masterclass was designed for aspiring and current entrepreneurs who are: 

  • Struggling with the current training, coaching, and mentoring you’re receiving because it’s not aligned with your heart for doing business in a Kingdom-focused way
  • Dissatisfied with following the standard business world’s blueprints and strategies and calling that “success” -- you want to follow God’s wisdom and the unique blueprint He has custom-made for you.
  • Dissatisfied with the idea of building a business based solely on Biblical principles and calling that “success” -- you want to also build with God’s presence.
  • Exhausted from excessive hard work (grinding) -- you want to learn how to work diligently from a place of rest and experience supernatural productivity.
  • ​Suffering from indecision and the stagnation that results -- you want the clarity and courage you need to move forward in your business.

You can work through the Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Masterclass at your own pace. Action items are provided in a course workbook to help you make the most of what you are learning in the course.

Course Modules

Module 1: What Is a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur?

Being a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur is not the same as being a Christian business owner. This module will unpack what Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur means, why it should matter to you, and the invitation that lies before you to experience God’s best and have a greater Kingdom impact through the work you do in business. (Length: 11:47)

Module 2: The ROI for Kingdom Driven Business

Return on Investment is a key performance measure for business, but when you’re a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, it doesn’t stop there. In this module, you will learn about what eternal ROI means, what it can look like, and how it impacts you, your business, and your sphere of marketplace influence. (Length: 26:33)

Module 3: Intimacy is Everything

Intimacy with God is the foundation of all fruitfulness for the Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur. In this module, you’ll learn how to cultivate greater intimacy with God and understand how your Kingdom identity is formed through it. (Length: 25:50)

Module 4: Kingdom Driven Business Success Formula

Success in the Kingdom of God looks nothing like the world’s idea of success. In this module, you’ll learn about the “power twins” that yield success and how to walk it out. (Length: 11:52)

Module 5: Working By The Power of God's Grace

The world promotes hustling and grinding as a way to earn a badge of honor in entrepreneurship, but it’s an inferior substitute for working in the power of God’s grace and favor. This module will help you recognize the signs of grind (some will surprise you) plus help you begin to shift the way that you work. (Length: 22:08)

Module 6: Thriving in Heaven's Economy

As a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur you are not limited to the world’s economic system. This module will show you several assets in Heaven’s economy that you have access to, plus reveal how to consistently access God’s wisdom and overcome doubt. (Length: 18:25)

Module 7: The Power of Kingdom Collaboration for Acceleration

When you put aside selfish ambition and independence, and instead put the King of king's agenda first, (while joining & cooperating with others in the body of Christ), NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. This module will reveal the keys to authentic Kingdom collaborations that will accelerate your growth as well as the growth of others you’re connected to. (Length: 24:00) 

Module 8: The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Alignment Framework

Over a decade of working with entrepreneurs, we’ve found five key areas of alignment that unlock greater holistic profitability, both Eternal ROI (Kingdom influence & impact) and Financial ROI (revenue and profits). In this module, you’ll learn about this alignment framework and how it unlocks “God Results” rather than just "Good Results." (Length: 13:25) 

Bonus Audios:

Your Business Posture With God (Length: 10:15)
Daily Business Meetings With God (Length: 34:35)

Your Instructor 

Hi! I'm Shae Bynes, Chief Fire Igniter and a Founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur. 
My life and business were radically transformed by encountering the unrelenting love of God. He interrupted my plans in the most beautiful way and I’ve been on a wild, crazy, and amazing adventure with Him ever since.
Since 2012, I’ve been inspiring, teaching, and mentoring thousands of entrepreneurs around the globe to help them make powerful Kingdom shifts that increase their capacity for the greater impact, influence, and finances they are called to steward.
I often hear “This is exactly what I’ve been praying (or looking) for, but didn’t have words for it” when I share about what it looks like to be a Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur. That’s why I created the Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Masterclass.

What Others Have Said About the Masterclass

"My business and marriage are flourishing!"

"I have businesses inside of me"

"Masterclass rekindled that "business" for me."

"I feel a pull towards intimacy with God."

"An answer to my yearning."

"I found it so refreshing to hear conversation that kept Jesus in the center of everything."

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